Monday, October 22, 2007

Top 10 Signs You May Be Constipated

I think this list needs no explanation.
  1. You've finally had to abolish your "If it's yellow let it mellow..." rule.
  2. You wonder how much fiber a Big Mac has.
  3. You no longer snicker while reading the Bible verse Jerimiah 4:19 "My bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart...."
  4. You had a 42" LCD TV/DVD combo installed in your bathroom, and watched the whole Star Wars Trilogy in one sitting.
  5. When the neighbor's dog does his business on your lawn, instead of chasing him away, you break down crying.
  6. You dream you are on a theme park log ride and get jammed up before the big drop off.
  7. When you walk you notice your toes are pointing out.
  8. You buy your hemorrhoid cream at Costco.
  9. You've actually eaten a prune based dessert.
  10. You are still using toilet paper you bought for the Y2K scare.


Erica said...

Seriously!! Is this from personal experiences?

smallred said...

Where do you think I write this stuff?

Rochelle said...'s all true. Just pity me, I have to live with him.

Rochelle said...

Just kidding sweetie. Anyway, constipation was much better than post-burrito, but don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

Rochelle said...


kyla&ryley said...

that is so funny, I love the log ride one!