Monday, October 8, 2007

Top Ten Low Budget Halloween Costumes

Halloween is coming up soon! I don't know about you, but I'm tired of throwing a bunch of money at a costume I'll wear once for a couple hours. Please share your ideas for affordable costume ideas. I've tried to include what you'll need to pull off each idea.
  1. A Nudist (One birthday suite--just add friends to go as a whole colony).
  2. The Charmin Mummy (6 rolls of toilet paper--avoid restrooms).
  3. The Invisible Man (Works best if you have no personality).
  4. The Incredible Balding Man (One case of male pattern baldness).
  5. Super Wedgie Man (One pair of resilient underwear--not for the faint of heart).
  6. The Hemroid Avenger (One tube of Preparation H and a pained look).
  7. The Headed Horseman (One good head on your sholders).
  8. Baby Newyear (One of Grandma's Depends and a baby rattle).
  9. Someone Caught Red Handed (One small can of red paint).
  10. A Telemarketer (One phone headset and no soul--scariest costume, avoid small children and old people).

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