Saturday, March 29, 2008

I Miss What I Miss

This past month I've been commuting to my new job, which means I don't see my family during the week. I look forward to the weekend, when I can see my wife and kids. Today we went shopping and bought some lightsabers for the kids (not real ones of course). I decided to try and give my wife a break so I cooked dinner and offered to watch the kids so she could have some personal time.

I had a great time with the kids, they are never boring. But I have to shake my head sometimes.

"I see that your Schwartz is as big as mine. Now—let's see how well you can handle it."
After dinner my four year-old son decided to unzip his jean shorts and lodge his lightsaber in there. He then proceeded to shake his hips back and forth warding off the attacks from his sisters. Holding back my laughter, I don't want him to know it was funny, I disarmed him.

When I turned around my one year-old daughter had her feet and head on the ground. Her arm was reached way back behind her bum with a water bottle. She was dumping the water on her butt and watching the water run off her diaper between her legs.

Kids just know how to have fun, they really do keep life interesting.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I'm just glad you are teaching them the important things in life. Rachael called me at work the other day to ask if she could play with one of the Star Wars Spaceships on the shelf. I was so proud!

She enjoys Lego Star Wars too.