Saturday, March 29, 2008

I Miss What I Miss

This past month I've been commuting to my new job, which means I don't see my family during the week. I look forward to the weekend, when I can see my wife and kids. Today we went shopping and bought some lightsabers for the kids (not real ones of course). I decided to try and give my wife a break so I cooked dinner and offered to watch the kids so she could have some personal time.

I had a great time with the kids, they are never boring. But I have to shake my head sometimes.

"I see that your Schwartz is as big as mine. Now—let's see how well you can handle it."
After dinner my four year-old son decided to unzip his jean shorts and lodge his lightsaber in there. He then proceeded to shake his hips back and forth warding off the attacks from his sisters. Holding back my laughter, I don't want him to know it was funny, I disarmed him.

When I turned around my one year-old daughter had her feet and head on the ground. Her arm was reached way back behind her bum with a water bottle. She was dumping the water on her butt and watching the water run off her diaper between her legs.

Kids just know how to have fun, they really do keep life interesting.

Don't Talk with Your Mouth Full

Several weeks ago we were sitting at the table as a family enjoying a nice dinner. The conversations are pretty basic in our family, since our oldest is only 6, but they are always lively. There is usually ample competition to get the microphone, so to speak.

Our four year-old son jumped in on the conversation with his usual zeal. He usually tells us about his exploits playing Lego Star Wars, what Lego Star Wars character he wants to buy next, or that "so and so" just got the new Lego Star Wars game--you get the idea. But the whole time he is talking, his mouth is stuffed with pepperoni pizza, and I mean stuffed. None of us had a clue what he was saying, while he chomped and sputtered on.

Finally, my wife couldn't take it any more. "Reid! Don't talk with your mouth full!" she said. Without missing a beat he expelled a huge wad of pizza into his hand and continued talking, the whole time with that large ball of chewed pizza sitting in his palm. All I could do was laugh. I had to admire his simple, but effective resolution to the problem.

I'm Back

This past month has been a blur and my blogging has seriously suffered. This month I started a new job, which is going well but is keeping me very busy. There is always so much to learn when you start something new.

To complicate matters more, the job is out of state so I've been spending my weekends commuting rather than musing. But everything is going great and I'm excited to get my musing gears moving again!